Army JROTC Mission
“To Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens”
And to become College and Career ready.

The Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge & STEM Camp
JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenges are Brigade-level events for Army JROTC Cadets that take place across the world. JCLCs are typically held at Boy Scout camps or military installations. JCLCs are beginning to incorporate STEM activities as part of the camps.
Summer Camps
Summer camps can be a fun way to keep kids engaged after school. Army JROTC summer camps can include activities like the Confidence Course, Teamwork Development Course, archery, canoeing, and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities.
STEM Camps
STEM camps, such as the STEM Day camp at Fort Custer Training Center in Augusta, Michigan, can help cadets improve their grades, ACT/SAT scores, and attendance and graduation rates.
JROTC programs can help enhance college applications and scholarships.

Exhibition Drill consists of cadets doing anything that they want in a designated area while using demilitarized weaponry to perform various maneuvers. They are free to do whatever they want if it is done militaristic fashion. Throughout a 6- to 9-minute performance, the weapons are thrown, spun, and exchanged.
Regulation Drill is when each team's cadets march around a designated area, executing a set of commands. It includes both armed and unarmed groups. While marching, the armed formations use rifles and perform a variety of moves. Weapons are not used by unarmed formations.

The Color Guard is an extracurricular Army JROTC team responsible for presenting the flag in a variety of settings. The members of the Color Guard practice drill and ceremonies, proper wearing of the uniform as well as the proper ways to show respect to our nation's flag. The color guard preforms at varsity football games, 9/11 ceremonies, community events, and drill competitions.

The Raider Team is the most physically demanding team in JROTC. It consists of an obstacle courses that teach you to work with a team and discipline yourself to not give up. The Raider Challenge is held outdoors usually in a (PT) Physical Fitness Cadet Uniform or (OCP) Operational Camouflage Pattern Uniform. During the event you will stick with your teammates to complete all obstacles for the fastest time possible. The course will change and be different each place you go to, but usually consists of some kind of run somewhere within the course.

The National Air Rifle Championship
All JROTC Units that are eligible to compete in air rifle marksmanship are invited to participate in the JROTC Air Rifle Postal Competition. The JROTC Postal gives all Cadets who participate in air rifle marksmanship an opportunity to experience a National-level competition, fired at their unit’s home range. In addition to providing your unit with a National ranking, results from this competition will be used to select the JROTC unit teams and at-large individuals that will be invited to participate in the Regional JROTC Service Championships. Teams/individuals may then qualify to compete in the National JROTC Championship.

CyberPatriot: The National Youth Cyber Education Program
CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program created by the Air Force Association to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation’s future. At the core of the program is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, the nation’s largest cyber defense competition that puts high school and middle school students in charge of securing virtual networks.

The National JROTC Fitness Challenge Championships
The All-Service National JROTC Fitness Challenge Championships is an all-service event that takes place on the beach behind the Plaza Resort & Spa in Daytona beach, Florida. This competition started in 2017 with hundreds of JROTC Cadets attending.
The JROTC Fitness Championships maintain both a Male Division and Mixed Division. All divisions compete within five team events specifically designed to be a all-round physical test. Events change every year. After the team competition ends, the teams nominate their best male & female athletes to compete in the Utimate Fitness Cadet Competition held on the Physical Team Test course.
Teams from all services participate to compete for this title. Active duty Drill Sergeants from all services serve as judges. Teams compete in five disciplines of fitness. Team run, Obstacle course, Pull-ups, Standing long jump and seated medicine ball throw.

Invigorating students with a passion for STEM with robotics!
VEX V5 represents our fifth generation of education robotics systems developed with 20 years of experience using robotics to teach STEM principles. V5 electronics are approachable, flexible and powerful, using state of the art technology to ensure relevant education outcomes. The V5 mechanical system includes versatile elements that makes engineering approachable for novice users, while still providing experienced users with endless design possibilities. VEX allows students to hone critical computational thinking skills needed to succeed in both the 21st century's workforce and in everyday life.

Physical benefits: Archery can help cadets develop strength in their arms, shoulders, chest, and core. It can also improve their balance and coordination.
Mental benefits: Archery can help cadets develop a growth mindset, focus, goal setting, and confidence. It can also help them learn self-discipline and precision.

RADC Drone World Championships
New event – Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.

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